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computingReference (msp:computingReference) Computing Reference of 3D Annotation target selector of Annotation of Glyph at HT073195 obverse line 4 char 6 on a 3D Mesh (cunei:9994b419-0d27-4ba6-9ead-79d86d3c6eef_target3d_selector_compref0)
pcaValue (msp:pcaValue)
POLYGON Z ((91.22880093814157 96.20033755723261 0.130326971411705, 62.16026401726134 96.20033755723261 0.130326971411705, 62.88096794594654 84.9818249 (...)2248478 0.130326971411705, 91.22880093814157 84.37212246824504 0.130326971411705, 91.22880093814157 96.20033755723261 16.314125061035156, 62.16026401726134 96.20033755723261 16.314125061035156, 62.88096794594654 84.98182492248478 16.314125061035156, 91.22880093814157 84.37212246824504 16.314125061035156, 91.22880093814157 96.20033755723261 0.130326971411705))
inSRS (gsp:inSRS) Cartesian coordinate system with 3 axis in millimetre units (cunei:cartesian_ax3_mm)
type (rdf:type) WKT Selector (oa:WKTSelector) [x]
value (rdf:value)
POLYGON Z ((92.17448984147333 44.57544436875606 0.0007292666123249, 63.1059529205931 44.57544436875606 0.0007292666123249, 63.826656849278294 33.35693 (...)173400822 0.0007292666123249, 92.17448984147333 32.747229279768476 0.0007292666123249, 92.17448984147333 44.57544436875606 16.184526443481445, 63.1059529205931 44.57544436875606 16.184526443481445, 63.826656849278294 33.35693173400822 16.184526443481445, 92.17448984147333 32.747229279768476 16.184526443481445, 92.17448984147333 44.57544436875606 0.0007292666123249))
label (rdfs:label) 3D Annotation target selector of Annotation of Glyph at HT073195 obverse line 4 char 6 on a 3D Mesh (rdf:langString) (iso6391:en)
Is member (rdfs:member) ofWKTSelector Instances Collection (cunei:WKTSelector_collection)
Is hasSelector (oa:hasSelector) of3D Annotation target of Annotation of Glyph at HT073195 obverse line 4 char 6 on 3D rendering (cunei:9994b419-0d27-4ba6-9ead-79d86d3c6eef_target3d)
inDataset (void:inDataset) cunei_dataset (cunei:cunei_dataset) [12202 graphemon:GraphemePart]