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computingReference (msp:computingReference) Computing Reference of 3D Annotation target selector of Annotation of Glyph at TCH92 obverse line 12 char 8 on a 3D Mesh (cunei:fbbcb208-1ee1-4c86-b504-82fb29ede8e2_target3d_selector_compref0)
pcaValue (msp:pcaValue)
POLYGON Z ((8.856317910783055 4.9001019290856505 10.698378562927246, 1.832981795152513 4.326153714269239 10.698378562927246, 1.7478490034200362 10.065 (...)64303790715 10.698378562927246, 8.728618723184333 9.983648898188974 10.698378562927246, 8.856317910783055 4.9001019290856505 12.433778762817383, 1.832981795152513 4.326153714269239 12.433778762817383, 1.7478490034200362 10.06564303790715 12.433778762817383, 8.728618723184333 9.983648898188974 12.433778762817383, 8.856317910783055 4.9001019290856505 10.698378562927246))
inSRS (gsp:inSRS) Cartesian coordinate system with 3 axis in millimetre units (cunei:cartesian_ax3_mm)
type (rdf:type) WKT Selector (oa:WKTSelector) [x]
value (rdf:value)
POLYGON Z ((9.44373879157758 4.641222058909335 10.73634147644043, 2.420402675947038 4.067273844092924 10.73634147644043, 2.3352698842145614 9.80676316 (...)7730836 10.73634147644043, 9.316039603978858 9.724769028012659 10.73634147644043, 9.44373879157758 4.641222058909335 12.471741676330566, 2.420402675947038 4.067273844092924 12.471741676330566, 2.3352698842145614 9.806763167730836 12.471741676330566, 9.316039603978858 9.724769028012659 12.471741676330566, 9.44373879157758 4.641222058909335 10.73634147644043))
label (rdfs:label) 3D Annotation target selector of Annotation of Glyph at TCH92 obverse line 12 char 8 on a 3D Mesh (rdf:langString) (iso6391:en)
Is member (rdfs:member) ofWKTSelector Instances Collection (cunei:WKTSelector_collection)
Is hasSelector (oa:hasSelector) of3D Annotation target of Annotation of Glyph at TCH92 obverse line 12 char 8 on 3D rendering (cunei:fbbcb208-1ee1-4c86-b504-82fb29ede8e2_target3d)
inDataset (void:inDataset) cunei_dataset (cunei:cunei_dataset) [12202 graphemon:GraphemePart]