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ObservationCollection Instances Collection
) (
433 values
bituminous coal production of Aachen
bituminous coal production of Arnsberg
bituminous coal production of Baden
bituminous coal production of Bayern
bituminous coal production of Birkenfeld
bituminous coal production of Braunschweig
bituminous coal production of Breslau
bituminous coal production of Chemnitz
bituminous coal production of Dresden
bituminous coal production of Düsseldorf
bituminous coal production of Elsaß-Lothringen
bituminous coal production of Erfurt
bituminous coal production of Freiburg
bituminous coal production of Gotha
bituminous coal production of Hessen-Kassel
bituminous coal production of Hildesheim
bituminous coal production of Kassel
bituminous coal production of Koblenz
bituminous coal production of Königreich Hannover
bituminous coal production of Liegnitz
bituminous coal production of Lothringen
bituminous coal production of Magdeburg
bituminous coal production of Merseburg
bituminous coal production of Minden
bituminous coal production of Mittelrheinkreis
bituminous coal production of Münster
bituminous coal production of Niederhessen
bituminous coal production of Oberfranken
bituminous coal production of Oldenburg
bituminous coal production of Oppeln
bituminous coal production of Osnabrück
bituminous coal production of Preußen
bituminous coal production of Rheinkreis
bituminous coal production of Sachsen
bituminous coal production of Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha
bituminous coal production of Sachsen-Meiningen
bituminous coal production of Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach
bituminous coal production of Trier
bituminous coal production of Zwickau
brown coal production of Aachen
brown coal production of Anhalt
brown coal production of Anhalt-Bernburg
brown coal production of Anhalt-Dessau-Köthen
brown coal production of Anhalt-Köthen
brown coal production of Arnsberg
brown coal production of Bautzen
brown coal production of Bayern
brown coal production of Brandenburg
brown coal production of Braunschweig
brown coal production of Breslau
brown coal production of Bromberg
brown coal production of Dresden
brown coal production of Düsseldorf
brown coal production of Elsaß-Lothringen
brown coal production of Frankfurt Oder
brown coal production of Hessen-Darmstadt
brown coal production of Hessen-Kassel
brown coal production of Hessen-Nassau
brown coal production of Hildesheim
brown coal production of Kassel
brown coal production of Koblenz
brown coal production of Köln
brown coal production of Königreich Hannover
brown coal production of Leipziger Kreis
brown coal production of Liegnitz
brown coal production of Lüneburg
brown coal production of Magdeburg
brown coal production of Marienwerder
brown coal production of Mecklenburg-Schwerin
brown coal production of Merseburg
brown coal production of Minden
brown coal production of Nassau
brown coal production of Oberbayern
brown coal production of Oppeln
brown coal production of Pommern
brown coal production of Posen
brown coal production of Posen
brown coal production of Potsdam
brown coal production of Preußen
brown coal production of Preußen
brown coal production of Reuß jüngere Linie
brown coal production of Rheinkreis
brown coal production of Rheinprovinz
brown coal production of Sachsen
brown coal production of Sachsen
brown coal production of Sachsen-Altenburg
brown coal production of Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach
brown coal production of Schlesien
brown coal production of Schleswig
brown coal production of Schleswig-Holstein
brown coal production of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt
brown coal production of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen
brown coal production of Stettin
brown coal production of Trier
brown coal production of Unterelsaß
brown coal production of Westfalen
brown coal production of Wiesbaden
ore production of Aachen
ore production of Anhalt
ore production of Anhalt-Bernburg
ore production of Arnsberg
ore production of Baden
ore production of Bayern
ore production of Brandenburg
ore production of Braunschweig
ore production of Breslau
ore production of Bromberg
ore production of Donaukreis
ore production of Dresden
ore production of Düsseldorf
ore production of Elsaß-Lothringen
ore production of Erfurt
ore production of Frankfurt Oder
ore production of Fulda
ore production of Gotha
ore production of Gumbinnen
ore production of Hessen-Darmstadt
ore production of Hessen-Kassel
ore production of Hessen-Nassau
ore production of Hildesheim
ore production of Hohenzollernsche Lande
ore production of Jagstkreis
ore production of Kassel
ore production of Koblenz
ore production of Köln
ore production of Königreich Hannover
ore production of Liegnitz
ore production of Luxemburg
ore production of Lüneburg
ore production of Magdeburg
ore production of Merseburg
ore production of Minden
ore production of Münster
ore production of Nassau
ore production of Oberfranken
ore production of Oberhessen
ore production of Oberpfalz
ore production of Oldenburg
ore production of Oppeln
ore production of Osnabrück
ore production of Ostpreußen
ore production of Pommern
ore production of Posen
ore production of Posen
ore production of Preußen
ore production of Reuß jüngere Linie
ore production of Reuß ältere Linie
ore production of Rheinprovinz
ore production of Sachsen
ore production of Sachsen
ore production of Sachsen-Altenburg
ore production of Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha
ore production of Sachsen-Meiningen
ore production of Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach
ore production of Schlesien
ore production of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt
ore production of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen
ore production of Schwarzwaldkreis
ore production of Stettin
ore production of Stralsund
ore production of Trier
ore production of Waldeck
ore production of Westfalen
ore production of Wiesbaden
ore production of Württemberg
ore production of Zwickau
pig iron production of Aachen
pig iron production of Arnsberg
pig iron production of Birkenfeld
pig iron production of Brandenburg
pig iron production of Breslau
pig iron production of Bromberg
pig iron production of Dresden
pig iron production of Düsseldorf
pig iron production of Erfurt
pig iron production of Frankfurt Oder
pig iron production of Freiburg
pig iron production of Fulda
pig iron production of Gumbinnen
pig iron production of Hessen-Nassau
pig iron production of Hildesheim
pig iron production of Hohenzollernsche Lande
pig iron production of Karlsruhe
pig iron production of Kassel
pig iron production of Koblenz
pig iron production of Konstanz
pig iron production of Köln
pig iron production of Königreich Hannover
pig iron production of Liegnitz
pig iron production of Lothringen
pig iron production of Lüneburg
pig iron production of Magdeburg
pig iron production of Merseburg
pig iron production of Minden
pig iron production of Mittelrheinkreis
pig iron production of Münster
pig iron production of Niederbayern
pig iron production of Niederhessen
pig iron production of Oberbayern
pig iron production of Oberfranken
pig iron production of Oberhessen
pig iron production of Oberhessen
pig iron production of Oberpfalz
pig iron production of Oberrheinkreis
pig iron production of Oppeln
pig iron production of Osnabrück
pig iron production of Ostpreußen
pig iron production of Pommern
pig iron production of Posen
pig iron production of Preußen
pig iron production of Rheinkreis
pig iron production of Rheinprovinz
pig iron production of Sachsen
pig iron production of Schlesien
pig iron production of Seekreis
pig iron production of Starkenburg
pig iron production of Stettin
pig iron production of Trier
pig iron production of Unterfranken
pig iron production of Westfalen
pig iron production of Wiesbaden
population of Aachen
population of Allenstein
population of Anhalt
population of Anhalt-Bernburg
population of Anhalt-Dessau
population of Anhalt-Dessau-Köthen
population of Arnsberg
population of Aurich
population of Aurich
population of Baden
population of Bautzen
population of Bayern
population of Bentheim
population of Birkenfeld
population of Braunschweig
population of Breslau
population of Bromberg
population of Böhmen
population of Chemnitz
population of Clausthal
population of Danzig
population of Deutscher Bund
population of Deutsches Reich
population of Donaukreis
population of Dresden
population of Elsaß-Lothringen
population of Erfurt
population of Erzgebirgischer Kreis
population of Freiburg
population of Freie Hansestadt Bremen
population of Freie Hansestadt Hamburg
population of Freie Stadt Frankfurt
population of Freie- und Hansestadt Lübeck
population of Fulda
population of Gumbinnen
population of Hanau
population of Hessen-Darmstadt
population of Hessen-Homburg
population of Hessen-Kassel
population of Hildesheim
population of Hohenzollern-Hechingen
population of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
population of Hohenzollernsche Lande
population of Hohnstein
population of Holstein
population of Isarkreis
population of Jagstkreis
population of Karlsruhe
population of Kassel
population of Kleve
population of Koblenz
population of Konstanz
population of Krain
population of Kärnten
population of Königreich Hannover
population of Königsberg
population of Köslin
population of Küstenland
population of Lauenburg
population of Liechtenstein
population of Liegnitz
population of Lippe-Detmold
population of Lothringen
population of Luxemburg
population of Lübeck
population of Lüneburg
population of Magdeburg
population of Main- und Tauberkreis
population of Mannheim
population of Marienwerder
population of Mecklenburg-Schwerin
population of Mecklenburg-Strelitz
population of Merseburg
population of Minden
population of Mittelfranken
population of Mittelrheinkreis
population of Murg- und Pfinzkreis
population of Mähren
population of Münster
population of Nassau
population of Neckarkreis
population of Neckarkreis
population of Niederbayern
population of Niederhessen
population of Niederösterreich
population of Oberbayern
population of Oberdonaukreis
population of Oberhessen
population of Oberhessen
population of Oberhessen
population of Oberlausitz
population of Obermainkreis
population of Oberpfalz
population of Oberrheinkreis
population of Oberösterreich
population of Oldenburg
population of Oppeln
population of Osnabrück
population of Osnabrück
population of Posen
population of Potsdam
population of Preußen
population of Regenkreis
population of Reuß jüngere Linie
population of Reuß ältere Linie
population of Reuß-Ebersdorf
population of Reuß-Lobenstein
population of Reuß-Lobenstein und Ebersdorf
population of Reuß-Schleiz
population of Rezatkreis
population of Rheinhessen
population of Rheinkreis
population of Sachsen
population of Sachsen-Altenburg
population of Sachsen-Coburg Saalfeld
population of Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha
population of Sachsen-Gotha-Altenburg
population of Sachsen-Hildburghausen
population of Sachsen-Meiningen
population of Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach
population of Salzburg
population of Schaumburg-Lippe
population of Schlesien
population of Schleswig
population of Schleswig
population of Schwaben
population of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt
population of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen
population of Schwarzwaldkreis
population of Seekreis
population of Stade
population of Stade
population of Starkenburg
population of Steiermark
population of Stettin
population of Stralsund
population of Stuttgart
population of Tirol
population of Trier
population of Unterelsaß
population of Unterfranken
population of Untermainkreis
population of Unterrheinkreis
population of Vogtländischer Kreis
population of Vorarlberg
population of Waldeck
population of Wiesbaden
population of Württemberg
population of Zwickau
population of Österreich
steel production of Aachen
steel production of Arnsberg
steel production of Aurich
steel production of Berlin
steel production of Breslau
steel production of Bromberg
steel production of Danzig
steel production of Düsseldorf
steel production of Erfurt
steel production of Frankfurt Oder
steel production of Freiburg
steel production of Gumbinnen
steel production of Hessen-Nassau
steel production of Hildesheim
steel production of Hohenzollernsche Lande
steel production of Karlsruhe
steel production of Kassel
steel production of Koblenz
steel production of Konstanz
steel production of Köln
steel production of Königreich Hannover
steel production of Königreich Hannover
steel production of Königsberg
steel production of Liegnitz
steel production of Magdeburg
steel production of Mannheim
steel production of Marienwerder
steel production of Merseburg
steel production of Minden
steel production of Mittelfranken
steel production of Mittelrheinkreis
steel production of Niederbayern
steel production of Niederhessen
steel production of Oberfranken
steel production of Oberhessen
steel production of Oberpfalz
steel production of Oberrheinkreis
steel production of Oppeln
steel production of Osnabrück
steel production of Ostpreußen
steel production of Pommern
steel production of Posen
steel production of Posen
steel production of Potsdam
steel production of Preußen
steel production of Rheinkreis
steel production of Rheinprovinz
steel production of Sachsen
steel production of Schlesien
steel production of Schleswig
steel production of Schleswig-Holstein
steel production of Schwaben
steel production of Seekreis
steel production of Starkenburg
steel production of Stettin
steel production of Stralsund
steel production of Trier
steel production of Unterfranken
steel production of Unterrheinkreis
steel production of Westfalen
steel production of Westpreußen
steel production of Wiesbaden